25 Min - Hip Focus Stretch & Mobility
Mindful breathing techniques and joint mobility exercises are found here in this calm but challenging stretch class.
Regular stretching will help you improve your positioning in class, allowing you to hold your poses longer, and feel yourself get stronger. We recommend a weekly BarreSTRETCH class to really feel the benefits. (ALL LEVELS).
Up Next in Barre ALL LEVELS
22 Min - Barre SWEAT
Think BarreSIGNATURE taken up to a spicy level! Getting the heart rate up is what BarreSWEAT is all about. Adding low-impact but dynamic cardio interval sets to leave you in a sweaty hot mess - that is what this class promises to do. Think HIIT & happy hormones onboarding.
Our original and most loved BarreSIGNATURE class is popular for a reason. This class incorporates elements of all of our barre classes and is aimed at accommodating all levels of fitness. Get ready to use the weight of your own body and light resistance bands as well as weights to work every part...
25 Min - Back & Spinal Focus Stretch ...
Mindful breathing techniques and joint mobility exercises are found here in this calm but challenging stretch class.
Regular stretching will help you improve your positioning in class, allowing you to hold your poses longer, and feel yourself get stronger. We recommend a weekly BarreSTRETCH cla...